Welcome to my Portfolio

I'm Fabio, a Software Engineer.

More About me

Hi there!

Hi there!

My name is Fabio Yamashita and I'm a Software Engineer at Itaú Bank.

I have contributed to various banking products and solutions, including SafraPay (Acquiring Bank), PIX, Debt Renegotiation, Safra Financial, Facial Recognition, and Investments.

Additionally, I hold the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner credential.

I always focus on delivering high-quality results and documenting all processes and developed solutions.

I have no preference between Front-end and Back-end, I just like to solve problems with the tools that are available to me. I find it fascinating that we can solve (almost) any problem with code and this is why I fell in love with programming.

As a hobby, I really enjoy playing FPS games (CS2 and Valorant) with some friends. I'm really into eSports and I love watching CS2 tournaments!

About me

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Fabio Yamashita profile picture - asian guy with glasses - blue sky background


Software Developer
Safra Bank Jun 2022 — Jul 2024

I am part of the Chatbot squad and have contributed to various banking products and solutions, including SafraPay (Acquiring Bank), PIX, Debt Renegotiation, Safra Financial, Facial Recognition, and Investments.

  • Developing and maintaining .NET APIs for Chatbot Services within a Microservices environment | .NET
  • Writing API contracts using OpenAPI (Swagger) specification, following REST patterns, Design First (API First) approach and BIAN (Banking Industry Architecture Network) Framework
  • Designing and implementing technical solutions for API-Chatbot integration | MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Kafka, and Redis
  • Building, testing and maintaining Chatbots | Blip
  • Monitoring and Observability | Grafana, Kibana, Dynatrace and Openshift
  • CI/CD | Jenkins and GitLab
  • Building an end-to-end internal solution | Node.js (NestJS), MongoDB, Angular and Figma
  • Emphasizing documentation for all processes and developed solutions | Swagger, Postman, draw.io and others
  • Task management | Jira
Social Security Analyst
IPRESB Jan 2018 — Mai 2022
  • Analysis of retirement and pension processes
  • Payroll calculation for retirees and pensioners
  • Wrote dozens of SQL queries | SQL
  • Automated 5+ spreadsheets | VBA
  • Created 20+ reports | Jaspersoft Studio
  • Created 3+ Dashboards | Excel | Power BI
  • Process mapping, analysis and optimization | Bizagi | Solar BPM
  • Wrote 600+ pages of procedure manuals
  • Helped with institutional presentations and workshops content | PowerPoint | Word
Retail Services Intern
Nielsen Jan 2015 — Jul 2015
  • 2015 Internship-Trainee Program in Sales
  • Worked in Retail Services, serving the Walmart Group
  • Helped business analysts in data extraction, data analysis and presentations | Excel | PowerPoint
  • Optimized reports | Excel | VBA
  • Periodic presentations of the company's own methodologies and analysis results for continuous performance evaluation


Ada Tech Full Stack Web, 600 hours - Bootcamp 2022 - 2023
UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas Production Engineering, Bachelor's Degree 2011 - 2016
Ontario Tech University Manufacturing Engineering, Science without Borders Exchange Program 2015 - 2016

Licenses & Certifications


  • C#
  • .NET
  • SQL
  • Angular
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Figma
  • Scrum

C# | .NET | SQL | Docker | Scrum

.NET Web-API Project

Back-End project using ASP.NET Web API to create an API REST using S&P historical data from 2012 to 2022.

Used tools/technologies: C#, .NET, API REST, SQL Server, Authentication, JWT (Bearer Token), xUnit, Dapper, Docker, SOLID Principles, Clean Code, Product Backlog, etc.

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C# | .NET | HTML | CSS | JavaScript

GitHub Repository

You'll find all my personal projects there.

  • .NET Web-API Project
  • HackerRank Solutions
  • LinkedIn Clone
  • Exercises from Let's Code by Ada Bootcamp
  • Design Patterns studies
  • C# Tips and Tricks
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HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Figma | Scrum

My Portfolio

HTML, CSS and JavaScript (VanillaJS) project. I designed the layout on Figma.

I've also created a product backlog on Github Projects to organize my tasks.

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Angular | Figma


DOGMKT is a project built with Angular. It's a website which you can only buy dogs with love.

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HackerRank Solutions

Repository of my HackerRank Solutions using C#.

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